Q: Do you ship outside of the USA?

A: No sorry, we are a USA only store at this time.

Q: Will you allow a return on a used bong that broke?

A: No, our friend sorry, your bong is now federal paraphernalia. We only accept returns on unopened original packaged items. We will pay the return costs on items damaged during shipping only. 

Q: Do you offer discount codes?

A: We will offer discount codes in our monthly newsletter, so if you would like to receive updates from us, please sign up today. Each newsletter will provide you a monthly dose of cannabis culture as well as exclusive savings opportunities.

Q: What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?

A: Hit that contact button at the top of the page and let us know how we can help. We’ll do our best to source what you’re looking for.

Q: Do you offer wholesale pricing?

A: No sorry, prices are as marked no additional discount is offered. Our bulk items for resale can be found in the wholesale category.